the art of handling people 意味

  • 人を扱うこつ


        art of handling people:    人を扱うこつ
        art of getting along with people:    処世術{しょせいじゅつ}◆【同】social politics
        art of pleasing people:    人を喜ばせる術
        experienced in handling all types of people:    《be ~》あらゆるタイプの人間{にんげん}に対処{たいしょ}した[を取り扱った]経験{けいけん}がある
        handling:     handling n. 取り扱い. 【動詞+】 The mass media criticized the police's handling of the demonstration. マスメディアは警察のデモの取り扱いを批判した This will greatly facilitate the handling of our business. こうするとわれわ
        in the handling of:    ~の取り扱いで
        art:     art n. 芸術, 美術; 技術, 技芸; わざ, こつ; 人為, 技巧, 熟練; 学科; 術策. 【動詞+】 acquire the art of adjusting swiftly to new situations 新しい境遇にすみやかに順応する術を身につける You don't appreciate art. あなたには芸術がわかっていない In
        art in:    《be ~》~に加担する
        art of:    術
        by art:    人工によって、人為的に、策略で、熟練によって、術策で、狡猾に
        in the art:    技術的{ぎじゅつてき}に
        with art:     with árt 手ぎわよく,巧みに.
        adroit handling:    巧みな処置{しょち}
        array handling:    {名} :
        array-handling:    {名} : 配列処理{はいれつ しょり}


  1. "the art of floral decoration" 意味
  2. "the art of flower arranging" 意味
  3. "the art of fugue reached its greatest elaboration in the eighteenth century" 意味
  4. "the art of glass-blowing has its home in venice" 意味
  5. "the art of good conversation" 意味
  6. "the art of historical investigation" 意味
  7. "the art of living" 意味
  8. "the art of living well" 意味
  9. "the art of medicine" 意味
  10. "the art of glass-blowing has its home in venice" 意味
  11. "the art of good conversation" 意味
  12. "the art of historical investigation" 意味
  13. "the art of living" 意味

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